
Kuber first tag release is out now

Easily compose transactions on Cardano

The Netherlands, 07/29/22

After some hard work by our developers over the past months we did finally tag the first version of Kuber.  

We encourage Developers in the Cardano ecosystem to start using the Kuber library and api  and composing transactions easily on Cardano without having to know all the technicalities.


"Kuber provides all Vasil features and provides its own playground"

Since Kuber comes with its own playground for testnet, you can start experimenting with it and also try out the new Vasil features.

The source code of Kuber can be found in the Dquadrant github repository.

We would love to get feedback from developers on our work and for this we opened a dedicated Kuber Discord channel.

 In case you like our work follow us @DquadrantNL, @CnftRegistry and @Juno_stakepool. Also consider to stake your ADA with us to support our work.